Mindfulness and mindfulness-based therapeutics may be incorporated into your therapy session or homework practices if assessed as appropriate.

Your therapist was one of the first therapists to utilize mindfullness in the practice of marital, sex, and psychotherapy, as early as 1994. Her program that was represented by Dr. Andrew Weil and Wayne Dyer's agency was the first to incorporate her breakthrough use of mindfulness in the practice of sex and marital therapy.

Your therapist brings a decades-long personal practice of meditation to augment her professional expertise in mindfulness-based psychotherapies. This personal and professional expertise is of enormous value to the client.

Mindfulness-based psychotherapies allow a far more profound healing to psychological issues. They are the cutting edge therapies whose results far exceed traditional talk therapies.

Your therapist has received education and training in ACT (Acceptance, Commitment Therapy), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Internal Family Systems.

Research currently states that psychological states are held within the body. The body must be brought into treatment for the most rapid and complete healing.

John Kabat Zinn has made mindfulness famous as a stress reduction technique. Your therapist has utilized this as one of many modalities that underlie the unprecedented success rates.